What Can We Help You Cover?

Homeowners Insurance in Center, Texas

A homeowners insurance policy can help protect one of your most significant financial investments. It can offer coverage for your home, possessions and personal liability. Plus, the right policy can help reduce out-of-pocket costs following covered events.

How Does Home Insurance Work? brown and black wooden house, home

When you have homeowners insurance, you will typically pay a monthly, quarterly or annual premium in exchange for the coverage listed in your policy. If a covered incident occurs, such as a burst pipe or a fire, you can file a claim with your insurance provider. After working through the claims process, your insurer will determine if they will pay for the loss per the terms of your policy. Some coverages may have an applicable deductible, an out-of-pocket cost the homeowner is responsible for paying before coverage kicks in.

How Much Home Insurance Do I Need for a Mortgage?

The amount of home insurance a mortgage lender requires varies based on several factors, including the following:

  • The amount of your down payment
  • The amount of the loan
  • The location of your home

Some lenders may require you to carry only enough insurance to cover your loan amount. However, you should consider insuring your home for its full replacement cost to help ensure replacement if a covered event destroys it.

How Do Home Insurance Claims Work?

Insurance carriers can handle claims in various ways, but the following are the basic steps one may take:

  1. Report your claim.

2. Work with your insurer to go over the damages.

3. Document your losses in detail.

4. Keep any receipts for immediately necessary expenses.

5. Receive a payment.

Remember that the procedure for claims may differ due to the type of claim and the many variables involved.

What Are the Most Common Claims Filed Under Homeowners Insurance?

The following are the most common claims filed under homeowners insurance:


  • Wind and hail damage
  • Water damage and freezing
  • Fire and lightning damage
  • Other property damage
  • Liability claims
  • Theft

What Is the Difference Between Market Value and Replacement Cost in Home Insurance?

The difference between market value and replacement cost in home insurance lies in what each term represents. Market value refers to the amount a buyer would pay for your home, including the land, based on current real estate conditions. It typically fluctuates with the housing market and considers factors like location, demand and property condition. On the other hand, replacement cost is the expense required to rebuild or repair your home to its original state using similar materials and quality, excluding the land value. This cost is more stable and focuses on construction expenses, ensuring you can fully rebuild your home in case of a total loss, regardless of market fluctuations. Understanding these differences helps homeowners choose the right insurance coverage to protect their investment adequately.

How to Get Homeowners Insurance

If you need a homeowners insurance policy or want to evaluate whether the coverage you have is adequate, we’re here to help. Give Shoop Insurance Agency LLC a call today to get started, or request your free quote now.