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Health Insurance

November 25, 2021

How Does Sleep Impact Your Health?

How Does Sleep Impact Your Health? Are you getting enough hours of sleep at night? Do you wake up each morning feeling refreshed and ready to go? For many people, that’s not the case. It’s more common for individuals to struggle through those first hours of the day, longing to be back in bed for […]
November 16, 2021

What Is a Health Insurance Deductible?

What Is a Health Insurance Deductible? Everyone needs health insurance, now more than ever. With the COVID-19 pandemic in its second year, there has never been a better reminder that taking care of your health is key to remaining well and safe. The right health insurance can help make certain you receive both routine and […]
October 19, 2021

Can I Go Without Health Insurance?

Can I Go Without Health Insurance? Health insurance can be expensive, and as of 2021, there is no longer a federal requirement that you have to buy health insurance. You will not face fines for not carrying coverage.   Choosing to go uninsured isn’t recommended—and for a good reason. The average cost of health insurance for […]